Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter Prep

A few days before Christmas I received my first seed catalog of the year from Johnny's Seeds. Just like I did years ago when JC Penny sent out their holiday bible, I tore through the thing with zeal, reading up on the products and creating a mighty wish list that I know my little plot can't support. Since then I've also received catalogs from Pinetree Garden Seeds and Park Seed Co. , and am anxiously awaiting more. Last year I relied heavily on Seeds of Change, Johnny's, and Botanical Interests, and overall was more than pleased with my results.

Although I do appreciate an organic seed, I'm willing to forgo the label for an uncommon or heirloom variety. I'd rather not send my money to Seminis, less because of GMO's and more because I know there are other, less wealthy people who are equally if not more deserving of my money. Similarly, Seeds of Change is owned by Mars Inc., not exactly the people who's mansions I want to help maintain. However until I get organized enough to save my owns seeds, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Here's a list of what I grew last year:

Arugula- Italian Rustic
Beets- Golden, Chioggia, Detroit Dark Red
Broccoli- De Cicco
Bush Bean- Stringless Snap
Cucumber- Spacemaster, Marketmore 76, Lemon
Eggplant- Rosa Bianca
Kale- Red Winter
Lettuce- Bibb, Black Eyed Simpson, Ruben's Red Romaine, Salad Bowl
Mesclun- Sweet and Spicy Mixes
Mustard Greens- Mazuna
Nasturtium- (Edible flower=crop!)
Peas- Sugar Snap
Pepper- Red, Yellow, Chocolate, Jalapeno, Chilean Purple
Potato- Pontiac Red
Radicchio- Leonardo
Radish- Watermelon, Spanish Black
Spinach- Bloomsdale
Squash- Black Beauty, Cocozelle
Tomatillo- Purple de Milpa
Tomato- Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Cherry, Yellow Pear, Amana Orange
Wild Raspberries (They just grow, all I do is keep them weed free)

Here's a list of vegetables I want to try next year:

Brussel Sprouts
Corn- Popcorn
Garlic (In the ground already)
Sunchokes (In the ground)
Sweet Potato

Though I'm planning on expanding my overall garden size this coming Spring, I know I won't be able to grow everything listed above. Though tantalizing, Melons and Popcorn will probably be the first to be cut due to space and light constraints. If time permits I may take a plot at our local Service Center and try them out there.

In my efforts to be a more organized gardener, I'm also looking to take full advantage of two to three separate plantings each season. Last year I did get several things in the ground early, making room for a successive planting, but this year I want to ensure that I'm using every inch to its fullest extent all season long.

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