In between all that I have managed to get a few projects started: I purchased some of my seeds, such as beets and a few types of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. I started work on a potting table, something I desperately wanted last season. I've made the table top, (pictured below,), and have been looking at plans for different versions to figure out exactly what I want. And I also got an incredible deal on two enormous pots, (also pictured below,), marked down 90% and costing me only twenty bucks each. They are almost big enough to bathe in, and I'm looking forward to finding sunny spots for them. One my Mom is going to use and I think I will do a mini-garden in the other, with a tomato plant, pepper plant and some herbs.
I've also been debating whether or not to make a pvc-pipe greenhouse again this year. Last year I made one out of thin pvc and plastic paint-drops, and I learned the hard way that I am no engineer! It was a b**ch to put together, but ended up being a priceless tool- we had a very wet and cold summer, so being able to move the greenhouse over any area of the garden really helped keep the plants that were most in need warm and dry. In the end I think I will be making another, but I'm dreading getting that started.
Hopefully by the next time I write I will have ordered all of my seeds, set up my grow lights and have gotten started planting. Early germination time is fast approaching!
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